Welcome to 4Honline 2.0! 

4-H Online 2.0 is the official registration system for Ohio 4-H.

Enrollment deadline for Seneca Co. 4-H: March 20th

Click here to log in to 4-Honline/Enroll in 4-Honline

The first step to becoming a 4-H Member, volunteer or event participant is creating a profile in the 4-H online data management system. Ohio 4-H uses the 4-H online system to manage all aspects of the 4-H program, including membership, events, projects, activities and communications. All youth and adults who participate in Ohio 4-H, including 4-H Camps, must have a 4-H online profile. Please see the appropriate document below for help.

Club Login Information for Org Leader Volunteers

Help Sheet for New and Returning Families

Help Sheet for Attica Fair Entries

Helpful Tips for Enrollment


There are also two helpful YouTube tutorials to help you use 4-H Online 2.0. Thank you to our friends in Franklin County for putting these together!

New members: https://youtu.be/sTy20dkHpA0

Returning members: https://youtu.be/Q6tEKXvnFRY

If you still need any assitance at all, please contact Erin mancuso.48@osu.edu