OSU Extension, Seneca County is now offering an exciting opportunity for kids 9-18 years old! Beginning January 2019 Seneca County Extension will be starting a youth Livestock Judging Program. This is open to kids 9-18 years old who are interested in enhancing their livestock evaluation skills, public speaking abilities, and learning more about animal science. This experience will help refine the decision making process through making logical, rational decisions based on information gathered and improve oral communication and observation skills while traveling around Seneca County and Ohio. Being a member of the Livestock Judging Team will also help build self-discipline and improve leadership skills essential for future career success. The Seneca County Livestock Judging Team will be coached by Hallie Williams, OSU Agricultural and Natural Resources Extension Educator and practices will be held in the Seneca County Extension Office, Conference Room.
What is involved? In our first year, we will focus on the fundamentals of livestock judging while preparing for The Ohio Beef Expo Livestock Judging Contest (Friday, March 15, 2019) and The Ohio State Fair Livestock Judging Contest (Friday, July 26, 2019). Practices will begin on Thursday, January 31, 2019 from 6:30-7:30 p.m. at the Seneca County Extension Office and will continue every two weeks until Beef Expo. We will continue with monthly practices in April and May and then begin practicing weekly on Thursdays during the day through June and July. We will also work to help students attend summer judging camps/clinics if interested.
For Adult Volunteers, the Seneca County Livestock Judging Team will need parents and volunteers to assist in transporting team members to practices and contests. In addition, we need volunteer livestock producers to allow our team to come and practice on their farms (Biosecurity practices will be of top priority).
If you are intersted in participating or volunteering, please contact Hallie Williams at 419-447-9722 or by email at williams.6386@osu.edu