Welcome to OSU Extension in Seneca County!
Seneca County was founded in February 1820 and was named after the Seneca Indian Tribe. Seneca County is located in the northern part of Ohio, consists of 15 townships, and has a population of 56,745 people.
OSU Extension works with children, volunteers, farmers and business owners, community leaders, and eleceted officials to help make Seneca County a great place to live and work. Along with the support from our local county commissioners, we strive to provide many services for members of our county. OSU Extension - Seneca County is currently staffed with five full-time employees. Erin Mancuso, Office Associate; Katie Cole, 4-H Youth Development; Hallie Williams, Agriculture and Natural Resources; and Joanne Fyfe and Cindy Taylor, SNAP-Ed program assistants. We welcome the opportunity to answer any questions you may have about OSU Extension and the programs we offer.